A downloadable game for Windows

Welcome to the Alpha Page for Kyoukai, the Iso RPG inspired TCG!

Free offline demo is now available below! Learn to play, meet some characters, and get a look and listen at early concept art and music.

You cannot buy early access Alpha versions of Kyoukai here. If you're on this page, it should be because you're a Patreon subscriber already - thank you!

An Isometric RPG Inspired TCG, designed for paper but launching first as a digital simulator, with no microtransactions in-game! Similar to fan projects like Ygopro, this game is meant to serve as both an early testing platform, and lifelong way to play and learn Kyoukai with your friends, without having to obtain the physical cards. Future updates will include a tutorial mode, a final first-set card pool of 181 cards, and more. 

Note on future pricing:

Any Kyoukai version past 1.00 will be publically available for a one time purchase, and include all future updates and released sets. Until then, each Alpha version will only be available to Patreon subcribers. My hope is for this to fund an initial print of the physical TCG, with this as a supplemental testing platform. If this does become a physical TCG, I want to continue supporting this platform. I have no good estimate of when this might happen, so please only subscribe to the Patreon if you want to support this project's development.

You can also learn to play at the online rulebook here!

The Alpha releases are hosted on this page, but not available for regular download or purchase.  This page was created primarily as a way to start building a public online trail and presence for Kyoukai, to help its early builds feel safer to download and build legitimacy. I didn't want to try and choose a price for each update, and I didn't want to devalue the patreon by allowing a one time purchase for all future updates, at least until the true release of the game.

Almost daily updates on the Patreon and here:


This game is currently unavailable

Download demo

Kyoukai Learn to Play 0.00.0.exe 80 MB

Development log

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